Welcome to Wylie East Choir!
Thanks for visiting our website! Here you can find links to important information so we can start the year off in a WONDERLAND!
Choir Registration - many students already completed this in the spring, but this required info is needed so we can order t-shirts, prepare for uniforms, acquire field trip information, sign up for private lessons, and more.
Get Fit Day: Be sure to attend the annual Get Fit Day on Saturday, August 3. Arrival times are by class and gender:
Returning junior/senior boys (tenor-bass) arrive at 8:30
Returning junior/senior girls arrive at 9:15
Returning sophomore boys arrive at 9:45
Returning sophomore girls arrive at 10:15
Freshmen/new choir students (last name A-F) arrive at 10:45 Freshmen/new choir students (last name G-O) arrive at 11:15 Freshmen/new choir students (last name P-Z) arrive at 11:45
If you are not available at your scheduled time, you can arrive any time between 8:30 and 12:30 or at the makeup date on Tuesday, August 6 from 4:00-6:00pm, in conjunction with Meet the Raider. We ask that all students come to one of the available dates.
All-State Choir Camp: “The Greatest Show”: Monday, July 22-Wednesday, July 24 from 8:30-12 each day at WEHS. ALL students are welcome and encouraged to attend (A Cappella required). Register for the camp here: http://www.tinyurl.com/24allstatecamp.
Virtual Choir Tour Meeting - We will hold a virtual trip meeting to announce fundraising opportunities for students on Thursday, August 1 at 6pm using the link meet.google.com/csh-kdxz-gyf.
Interested in helping volunteer with our outstanding booster club? Sign up here!
Facebook: Raider Area Choir Booster Club